Reports 2015
Maschine, Diagnose und Instrumentierung
Reports 2015
BPM Projects at DESY
Kay Wittenburg
Talk at the Meeting on COSY Beam Instrumentation
Jülich 19.11.2015 Projects at DESY.pptx
Optical Diffraction Radiation Interference as a Non-Intercepting Emittance Measurement
for High Brightness and High Repetition Rate Electron Beam
A. Cianchi , University of Rome ”Tor Vergata” and INFN, V. R. Scientifica 1, 00133 Rome, Italy
M. Castellano, E. Chiadroni, LNF-INFN, V. E. Fermi 40, 00044 Frascati (Rome), Italy
L. Catani, INFN- Roma Tor Vergata, V. R. Scientifica 1, 00133 Rome, Italy
V. Balandin, N. Golubeva, K. Honkavaara, G. Kube, DESY, Notkestrasse 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
M. Migliorati, Dept. SBAI, Sapienza University of Rome ,Via A. Scarpa 16, 00161 Roma, Italy
Proceedings of FEL2012, Nara, Japan
Probing Positron Gravitation at HERA
Vahagn Gharibyan, (Submitted on 6. Jul 2015)
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph); High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex),
DESY 15-109
arXiv:1507.02589 [hep-ph]
Radiation Damage of Insertion Devices at PETRA III –
A Perspective View from Optics and Tracking Studies
M. Bieler, J. Keil, G. Kube, G.K. Sahoo, M. Tischer, R. Wanzenberg
Beam Dynamics Newsletter No. 66, April 2015
Vector Polarimeter for Photons in keV-MeV Energy Range
V. Gharibyan, K. Flöttmann, G. Kube, K. Wittenburg, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
IBIC2015 – 13-17 Sept. 2015, MCEC Melbourne, Proceedings Melbourne, Australia
Development Status and Performance Studies of the New MicroTCA Based Button
and Strip-line BPM Electronics at FLASH 2
B. Lorbeer, N. Baboi, H.T. Duhme, F. Schmidt-Föhre, K. Wittenburg, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
IBIC2015 – 13-17 Sept. 2015, MCEC Melbourne, Proceedings Melbourne, Australia
Micron-Scale Vertical Beam Size Measurements Based on Transition Radiation Imaging
with a Schwarzschild Objective
G. Kube, S. Bajt, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
I.A. Artyukov, LPI, Moscow, Russia
W. Lauth, IKP, Mainz, Germany
A. Potylitsyn, L.G. Sukhikh, A.V. Vukolov, TPU, Tomsk, Russia
IBIC2015 – 13-17 Sept. 2015, MCEC Melbourne, Proceedings Melbourne, Australia
Transverse Beam Profile Imaging of Few-Micrometer Beam Sizes Based on a Scintillator Screen
G. Kube, S. Bajt, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
I.A. Artyukov, LPI, Moscow, Russia
W. Lauth, IKP, Mainz, Germany
A. Potylitsyn, L.G. Sukhikh, A.V. Vukolov, TPU, Tomsk, Russia
IBIC2015 – 13-17 Sept. 2015, MCEC Melbourne, Proceedings Melbourne, Australia
Commissioning of the New Online-Radiation-Monitoring-System at the New European XFEL Injector
with First Tests of the High-Sensitivity-Mode for Intra-Tunnel Rack Surveillance
F. Schmidt-Föhre, L. Fröhlich, D. Nölle, R. Susen, K. Wittenburg, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
IBIC2015 – 13-17 Sept. 2015, MCEC Melbourne, Proceedings Melbourne, Australia
Status of the Recommissioning of the Synchrotron Light Source PETRA III
R. Wanzenberg, M. Bieler, M. Ebert, L. Fröhlich, J. Keil, J. Klute, G. Kube, G.K. Sahoo
Proceedings of IPAC2015, Richmond, VA, USA
Investigation of Radiation Damage of Insertion Devices at PETRA III due to Particle Losses
using Tracking Results with SixTrack
G.K. Sahoo, M. Bieler, J. Keil, A. Kling, G. Kube, M. Tischer, R. Wanzenberg
Proceedings of IPAC2015, Richmond, VA, USA
Experience on design, prototyping and testing of cavity BPM for the European-XFEL
Dirk Lipka, DESY
Talk on 1st PACMAN Workshop, 2-4 February 2015 , CERN
HOM based beam diagnostics study at FLASH
Presenter: L. Shi (DESY / University of Manchester)
Members: N. Baboi (DESY), R.M. Jones (U. Manchester), T. Wamsat (DESY), B. Lorbeer (DESY),
N. Eddy (FNAL), P. Zhang (CERN), S. Habib (WUT)
5th LA³NET Topical Workshop, Beam Diagnostics, March 23rd - 24th 2015, Mallorca, Spain
Beam Diagnostics at Free Electron Lasers
G. Kube
Beam Diagnostics Workshop and Conference on Laser Applications at Accelerators
March 25rd - 27th 2015, Mallorca, Spain
LA3NET Conference, Mallorca (Spain), 25-27 March 2015
Status of Beam Loss Detector Tests and Developments at Petra3 and ESRF
Diagnostics Experts of European Light Sources (DEELS), 15-16 June 2015, ALBA (Spain)
Simulation of 2D Point Spread Function Dominated Beam Profile Images
Based on Backward Transition Radiation from the Tilted Target
Leonid Sukhikh, Gero Kube, Alexander Potylitsyn
Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures (RREPS-15)
6-12 September 2015, St. Petersburg (Russia)
Spatial distribution of PXR generated by 855 MeV electrons. Comparison of simulation results
with experimental data
Igor Vnukov, Yurii Goponov, Mikhail Sidnin, Christopher Behrens, Gero Kube, Werner Lauth,
Aleksey Gogolev, Alexander Potylitsyn
Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures (RREPS-15)
6-12 September 2015, St. Petersburg (Russia)
Micron-Scale Vertical Beam Size Measurements Based on Transition Radiation Imaging
with a Schwarzschild Objective
Leonid Sukhikh, Igor Artyukov, Sasa Bajt, Gero Kube, Werner Lauth,
Alexander Potylitsyn, Artem Vukolov
Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures (RREPS-15)
6-12 September 2015, St. Petersburg (Russia)
Radiation Sources and their Applications for Beam Profile Diagnostics
G. Kube
Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures (RREPS-15)
6-12 September 2015, St. Petersburg (Russia)
Characterization of instrumentation for transverse and longitudinal beam diagnostics;
Introduction to Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation
Gero Kube, Kay Wittenburg, DESY / MDI
Excellence in Detectors and Instrumentation Technologies EDIT2015
INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Italy
October 20-29, 2015, Laboratory Courses
Stability and resolution studies of HOMBPMs for the 1.3 GHz superconducting accelerating cavities at FLASH
L. Shi* a,b, N. Baboi a, and R.M. Jones
International Conference on Laser Applications at Accelerators, LA3NET 2015, 25-27 March 2015, Mallorca, Spain
Physics Procedia 77 ( 2015) 42 – 49, Published by Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam,
doi: 10.1016/j.phpro.2015.11.008