Reports 2002
MDI Reports 2002
Maschine, Diagnose und Instrumentierung
MDI Reports 2002
MDI Reports 2002
S. Arutunian, A. Avetisyan, N. Dobrovolski, M. Mayilyan, I. Vasiniuk, YerPhI, Yerevan;
K. Wittenburg, DESY, Hamburg; R. Reetz, HTM Reetz GmbH, Berlin
Proc. Eighth European Particle Accelerator Conference
La Villette – PARIS, 3 - 7 June 2002
K. Wittenburg, DESY, Hamburg; R. Reetz, HTM Reetz GmbH, Berlin
Proc. Eighth European Particle Accelerator Conference
La Villette – PARIS, 3 - 7 June 2002
G.A. Blair_, T. Kamps, H. Lewin, F. Poirier, S. Schreiber, N. Walker, K. Wittenburg
Proc. Eighth European Particle Accelerator Conference
La Villette – PARIS, 3 - 7 June 2002
Proc. Eighth European Particle Accelerator Conference
La Villette – PARIS, 3 - 7 June 2002
K.Knaack, M. Wendt, K. Wittenburg, DESY Hamburg
R. Neubert, W. Vodel, Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena
Peters, GSI Darmstadt
Proc. Eighth European Particle Accelerator Conference
La Villette – PARIS, 3 - 7 June 2002
R. Neubert, W. Vodel, Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena
Peters, GSI Darmstadt
Proc. Eighth European Particle Accelerator Conference
La Villette – PARIS, 3 - 7 June 2002
Kay Wittenburg, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany
Proc. Eighth European Particle Accelerator Conference
La Villette – PARIS, 3 - 7 June 2002
Proc. Eighth European Particle Accelerator Conference
La Villette – PARIS, 3 - 7 June 2002
Dirk Nölle for the TESLA Collaboration, DESY, D 22603 Hamburg, Germany
Proc. Eighth European Particle Accelerator Conference
La Villette – PARIS, 3 - 7 June 2002
Proc. Eighth European Particle Accelerator Conference
La Villette – PARIS, 3 - 7 June 2002
By V. Ayvazian, et al.
Eur. Phys. J. D 20, 149–156 (2002), THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D and DESY-02-065, May 2002. 9pp
Eur. Phys. J. D 20, 149–156 (2002), THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D and DESY-02-065, May 2002. 9pp
By V. Ayvazian, et al. DESY-01-226, Dec 2001. 5pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett.88:104802,2002
G. Devanz, M. Jablonka, C. Magne, O. Napoly, CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette; M. Huening, M. Wendt, DESY, Hamburg
Proc. Eighth European Particle Accelerator Conference
La Villette – PARIS, 3 - 7 June 2002
Proc. Eighth European Particle Accelerator Conference
La Villette – PARIS, 3 - 7 June 2002
M. Seidel, P. Castro, C. Lackas, M. Wendt, DESY, Hamburg
Proc. Eighth European Particle Accelerator Conference
La Villette – PARIS, 3 - 7 June 2002
Proc. Eighth European Particle Accelerator Conference
La Villette – PARIS, 3 - 7 June 2002
By Holger Schlarb, MartinStaack, K. Wittenburg, D.Pugachov(DESY), Yu.Chernousko, I. Krupchenkov, A. Ivanov,S.Makonin(Serpukhov, IHEP),V.Gorbunov, V. Grechko(Moscow, INR),.DESY-M-02-01ZE, Jun 2002. 3pp.
Prepared for 8th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 2002),Paris, France, 3-7 Jun 2002. Published in *Paris 2002, EPAC 02*1966-1968
Prepared for 8th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC 2002),Paris, France, 3-7 Jun 2002. Published in *Paris 2002, EPAC 02*1966-1968
By W. Vodel, R. Neubert, S. Nietzsche, K. Knaak, M. Wendt, K. Wittenburg, A. Peters ASC 2002, the Applied Superconductivity Conference®, held at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas, August 4 –9, 2002.
M. Wendt; for the TESLA collaboration DESY-TESLA 2002-06
Contributions to the FEL2002 Conference, September 9-13, 2002 in Argonne, IL, USA - compiled by B. Faatz - DESY
Contributions to the FEL2002 Conference, September 9-13, 2002 in Argonne, IL, USA - compiled by B. Faatz - DESY
Kay Wittenburg, Talk on the 11th ICFA Mini-Workshop on Diagnostics for High-Intensity Hadron Machines, ORNL Spallation Neutron Source project in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S., October 21-23, 2002
by John Galambos and Tom Shea , ORNL and Kay Wittenburg , DESY Beam Dynamic newsletters No. 29, Dec. 2002 Table of the Status of Beam Instrumentation, compiled at the workshop.
K. Wittenburg, Talk at 11th ICFA Mini-Workshop on Diagnostics for High-Intensity Hadron Machines, ORNL Spallation Neutron Source project in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S., October 21-23, 2002.